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Effective Counseling for Abnormal LFTs: A Focus on Gilbert's Syndrome

Updated: Aug 1

Initial Approach and Consultation

  • Observation and Initial Thoughts

  • Recognize the setting as a counseling station based on the patient's purpose for visiting (blood test results).

  • Anticipate that the liver function test (LFT) is abnormal due to elevated unconjugated bilirubin levels.

  • Keep the data gathering concise and focused.

  • Critical Considerations

  • Prioritize ruling out hepatitis as the most severe cause of abnormal LFTs.

  • Address this during the consultation to avoid misdiagnosis.

Data Gathering

  • Initial Questions

  • Reason for the Blood Test: Start by asking why the test was conducted.

  • Constitutional Symptoms:

  • Fever

  • Nausea

  • Tummy pain

  • Pruritus (itching)

  • Jaundice

  • Weakness

  • Pale stools

  • Short Symptom Inquiry: Limit to 3-4 key symptoms if the patient reports generally feeling healthy.

  • PMAF TOSA Questions

  • Past Medical History

  • Medications: Crucial for understanding LFT derangement.

  • Family History: Important to note any similar conditions in family members.

  • Travel History: Relevant for Hepatitis A, especially related to recent outside food consumption.

  • Diet

  • Alcohol and Smoking: Ensure to signpost before asking these sensitive questions.

  • Sexual History: If time permits, although less critical.

  • Questions for Bloodborne Infections

  • Recent tattoos

  • Blood transfusions

  • Recreational drug use (IV)

  • Recent surgeries

Physical Examination

  • Necessary Examinations

  • General physical examination

  • Vital signs check

  • Abdominal examination: Check liver span and tenderness

Explaining Blood Test Results and Diagnosis

  • Blood Test Explanation

  • Simplify and explain the purpose of the tests:

  • Liver Injury Tests: AST, ALT (indicate no liver damage)

  • Liver Function Tests: Elevated unconjugated bilirubin indicating liver not functioning optimally

  • Suspect Gilbert Syndrome based on exclusion of other causes.

  • Introducing Gilbert Syndrome

  • Wait for the patient's reaction after mentioning the diagnosis.

  • Tailor further explanation based on their response.

  • Simplify the explanation:

  • Gilbert Syndrome is a genetic condition due to enzyme deficiency in the liver.

  • This enzyme is needed for detoxifying old blood cells.

  • Due to the deficiency, unconjugated bilirubin levels are elevated.

  • Reassure the patient about the condition's seriousness.

  • Further Investigations

  • Recommend a liver ultrasound (USG) to examine the liver.

  • Suggest a hepatitis screen to conclusively rule out hepatitis.

Patient Advice and Lifestyle Modifications

  • Advice for Liver Care

  • Avoid liver strain:

  • Prevent starvation and dehydration.

  • Manage stress effectively.

  • Consume alcohol in moderation.

Concluding the Consultation

  • Safety Netting

  • Advise on signs to watch for and seek medical attention if experiencing:

  • Weakness

  • Yellowing of skin or eyes

  • Any cirrhosis symptoms

  • Follow-Up

  • Schedule a follow-up appointment in two weeks to review test results and monitor progress.

  • Encourage the patient to ask any questions or express concerns during the follow-up.

  • Providing Information

  • Hand out relevant leaflets and pamphlets for further reading and understanding.


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